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4 Breathing Exercises to Re-set Your Emotions

Writer's picture: Francine MiglioratiFrancine Migliorati

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

By Fran Migliorati

Breathing exercises have many proven health benefits and help reduce stress. Breathing exercises help your body detox (release toxins) through your lymph system, they also help your body improve digestion, boost the immune system, balance hormones and increase overall energy. And HOW? Breath work increases the amount of oxygen in your blood cells and to your lungs.

Breath work is also a powerful relaxation technique, it allows you to take control of your emotions.

Emotions are not who you are, emotions are something that you experience based on a trigger that your brain recognises and reacts to. Breath work allows you to detach yourself from your emotions, releasing them so that you can listen to your body and truly connect to yourself. When you focus on your breathing, you put your body in the driver’s seat by slowing down your heart rate - this sends a message to your brain saying that you are safe and in control.

Important notes before you start any breathing exercise:

- Do not practice breath work while driving.

- Do not practice breath work in water.

- Be mindful of your body and listen to signs. Stop when you if you feel the need to stop.

- Your body may create some resistance. Your mind may try to hijack your experience, it’s normal to feel this way. Try to focus on just breathing as much as you can, pause to re-set and slow your thoughts down. If you feel too much mental resistance, take some time to journal on your thoughts and ‘brain dump’ before trying breath work again.

- You may feel a little dizzy and/or your fingers may go a little numb, this is normal. Stop if you feel uncomfortable.

- Relax your stomach muscles, letting your belly fully rise and fall with each breath. This is important because in breath work you need your diaphragm to move so that your lungs can fully expand.

1 - Letting Go Breathing (mindset shift)

Laying down flat on the ground with a pillow under your knees or sitting down with your feet flat on the ground and back nice and straight.

Close your eyes

10 belly sigh breaths – Activate your belly as you inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth with a big sigh.

10 calm power breaths – Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth allowing yourself to feel calm.

3 strong sighs release breaths – Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth with a sigh.

Release rotation – Rotate your head to release any tension.

Open your eyes

2 - Grounding Breathing (3 minutes)

Sit down with your feet flat on the ground and back nice and straight.

Close your eyes

Begin with regular breathing – find your rhythm – 1 minute.

Transition into power breaths (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth gently blowing the air out) – 1 minute.

Relaxing the shoulders and jaw go back to your regular breathing, exaggerate the inhale and exhale (through your nose) and allow the breaths to be powerful – 1 minute.

Open your eyes

3 - Magic Mornings Breathing (a great way to start each day)

Sit in a cross-legged position on the floor, if this is not possible a chair will be fine.

Close your eyes

Do not change your breathing at first, just pay attention to your natural breath. Do this for at least 5 breaths (5 natural breaths).

Inhale slowly for a count of 4.

Pause at the top of the breath for a count of 4.

Slowly exhale for a count of 4.

Rest for a second then repeat the (4x4x4 pattern). Continue this breathing pattern for several minutes (3-5 minutes).

*With practice you may increase the hold pattern to 6 or 8*

Open your eyes

4 – The Waiting Room Breathing (for any kind of waiting)

Sit comfortably in a chair, both feet flat on the floor.

Close your eyes (optional)

Simply breathe and feel your belly rise, count down from 5 to 1 as you inhale.

Pause for a few seconds.

Slowly exhale feeling your belly fall, count down from 5 to 1 as you exhale.

Pause for a few seconds.

Do this for as long as you wish.

Open your eyes


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